Welcome to the informal online course about Open Badges and Digitally Signed Credentials, which was developed within the framework of the Digitally Signed Credentials and Open Badges in Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education - DISCO VET project (KA2 Strategic Partnership - 2020-1-HU01-KA202-078793) funded by the European Union.

Opening up education with Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices, the rapid growth of on-line course delivery via open source virtual learning environments like Moodle and Ilias, as well as MOOCs and different business environments are among the recent major developments in the process of digitalisation of education. The next steps in this direction is evidently be the quick development of digital certification and credentialization techniques, standards and systems. The present course will provide you with the knowledge and tools to familiarise yourself with this area, the theoretical context as well as easy to follow step-by-step guides to create, issue and manage your own digital badges and certificates.

The course consists of 3 modules. Each module has 2 or 3 units. Units consists of a video presentation of the material, slides that can be downloaded and addditional readings, that can further the learners knowledge.

Completing the course would require no more than 30 learning hours.

Finishing each module you will have a short, self-assessment test and an assessment, where you can test yor practical knowledge. Completing it, you will receive a module badge as proof of your learning.

When you complete all 3 modules you will receive a course badge.

The course is available in English, Lithuanian, Greek, Spanish, Latvian and Hungarian. Please, enroll the selected courses.

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